I’ve just completed a new print based on our trip up the Norwegian coast to the Arctic Circle in February last year. Not having done this trip, or visited Norway before, we were surprised (and, at times, alarmed) by how close to the shore our 15000 ton ship would sail! Along the shoreline it would appear that any land inclined at less than 45 degrees was cultivated. The print is based on a field just north of Bergen that crossed the snow line. Previous preparatory harrowing of the land had left a regular and irregular pattern of snow and tractor marks which fascinated me. During the trip our ship was constantly escorted by Arctic Terns so I chose to include a flight of four!
Having included 13 reductions on my last print I was determined to make this simpler so kept it to just 6, although I did use 10 different colour hues! Measuring 30 x 40cms. it is printed in T.N. Lawrence oil based inks on Bristol Board in a limited edition of 10.